Life Filled with Conversations

Download Tomatalk App

Tomatalk is an “AI community manager” app that automatically finds your lunch buddies who work in the same workplace or who go to the same school.

We have released the first version of Tomatalk app (available only in Japan), but it's currently on an invite-only basis and you'll need an invite QR code to use it.

If you'd like to try it out for free, please let us know!

Our Mission & Passion

Text Less, Speak More

Our mission is to bring about innovations in communication so that people around the world can enjoy real conversations and interactions on a daily basis.

We'd like to enliven your life by letting you speak more and text less. Let's hit the road and start talking!

Our Team

Mitsu Konishi  (CEO & CTO)

To be announced

To be announced

Company Information

Company name: Tomatalk Inc.

Established: June 2022

Company location: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Founder & CEO: Mitsu Konishi

Would you like to try our Tomatalk app in your company / workplace / school to enliven your community?

Please let us know to participate in a free trial!